why organic

why organic ?

An organic product is that which is raised, grown, stored, and/or processed without the use of synthetically- produced chemicals or fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, or any other pesticides, growth hormones or growth regulators. By that definition itself, organic food sets the stage for a healthier life for its consumers. In addition, organic food is a positive step in the direction of protecting the environment and improving our social fabric.

For Health
Nutritional Value
Organic foods are known to contain higher levels of vitamin C and essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and chromium as well as cancer-fighting antioxidants. In fact, fresh organic produce contains on average 50% more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other micronutrients than intensively farmed produce.

Not just that, organic food just tastes better and makes your eating experience so much richer than chemically grown food.

No Additives, No Drugs
Organic foods don’t contain food additives that can cause health problems such as heart disease, osteoporosis, migraines and hyperactivity. Amongst the additives banned by the Soil Association are hydrogenated fat, aspartame (artificial sweetener) and monosodium glutamate. Organic foods also address the growing concern about the high use of antibiotics on farm animals and the possible effects on human health since Soil Association standards prohibit the routine use of antibiotics.

Genetically modified (GM) crops and ingredients are not allowed under organic standards. Organic foods are grown as nature had meant for them to be grown and they bring the goodness of nature straight to your dining table.

No Chemical Pesticides

Over 400 chemical pesticides are routinely used in conventional farming and residues are often present in non-organic food. The UK government has recently found high levels of pesticide residues in baby food, spinach, dried fruit, bread, apples, celery, and chips. The average conventionally-grown apple has 20-30 artificial poisons on its skin, even after rinsing.

Organic produce is not covered in a cocktail of such poisonous chemicals.

Protecting The Coming Generations
Because of the intrusive farming methods that we have used in the past years, today, exposure to chemicals begins in the womb itself. Cord blood brings not only nutrients and oxygen to the developing child, but also many potentially harmful chemicals including mercury, contaminants from flame retardants, Teflon, organochlorine pesticides, food wraps, wood preservatives and varnishes, by-products of plastic production, and industrial insulators and lubricants.

Pesticides also contain various persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that rather than being flushed out of our bodies, attach themselves to fatty tissues in humans and accumulate. Those fatty tissues are a source of nutrients for mother's milk, so as a mother's body calls on its reserves of fat for lactation, the pollutants go along for the ride, invading mother's milk, and in turn, the baby.

All this exposure to pesticides puts an entire generation ahead of us at serious health risk and switching to an organic diet significantly reduces this pre-natal and neonatal exposure to harmful chemicals.why organic ?

An organic product is that which is raised, grown, stored, and/or processed without the use of synthetically- produced chemicals or fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, or any other pesticides, growth hormones or growth regulators. By that definition itself, organic food sets the stage for a healthier life for its consumers. In addition, organic food is a positive step in the direction of protecting the environment and improving our social fabric.



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